Hello !!! my name is Alen and i'm form Croatia.. i'm working on music about 8 years.. like to do dance, trance & hands up style..
Greatings to all members and admins !!!
p.s. sorry on my bad English !!!
Hello !!! my name is Alen and i'm form Croatia.. i'm working on music about 8 years.. like to do dance, trance & hands up style..
Greatings to all members and admins !!!
p.s. sorry on my bad English !!!
Hello and Welcome among us !
Hi & Welcome to IDP, Alex !
Welcome to ItaloDancePortal, DJ Alex!
(The first Croatian member )
Have a nice stay!
Welcome to IDP Alex!
Not Croatia, but SLOVENIA !!!!!
Welcome to IDP my neighbour
Welcome to IDP my neighbour
Woops my mistake Sorry !
Cao, Alen! Dobrodošao u IDP!
Well, Bastino does sing in croatian, so it is kind of easy to mixup... Dx
But Colonia is croatian, though ...
Welcome DJ Alex!!!
Well, Bastino does sing in croatian, so it is kind of easy to mixup... Dx
But Colonia is croatian, though ...
dano, Your information is wrong, about Bastino
Welcome to IDP DJ Alex! Enjoy your stay here
But you do understand Croatian?
Yes! I'd say I understand about... 80-90%...
Croatian is very similar to Serbian, which I understand... I guess you can say it's like Swedish & Norwegian...
Slovenian sounds like... polish or something. At least it does to me..
Swedish & Norwegian... didn't know you understood each other lol (just kidding ) More like Danish and Norwegian perhaps..
Anyway.. where did you learn Croatian?
I understand Norwegian ...
I don't know if they understand us, but I get most of what they're sayin ...
Hah, I grew up with Bosnian/Serbocrotatian...!
I think I learned it before I learned Swedish...
we do but for me it's better to read Danish than Swedish,
but better to talk with a Swede face to face, than with a Dane...
Rofl for me it's the other way around.. i have no problem reading swedish.. but face to face I understand close to nothing
I have no problem talking with norwegians though (unless they have a problem
Croatian is very similar to Serbian, which I understand... I guess you can say it's like Swedish & Norwegian...
Slovenian sounds like... polish or something. At least it does to me..
You are crazy !!!
Slovenian language is not same with polish !!! O.K. ???
Slovenia is SLOVENIA, Poland is POLAND !!! All right ?!?
Croatian is very similar to Serbian, which I understand... I guess you can say it's like Swedish & Norwegian...
Slovenian sounds like... polish or something. At least it does to me..
I understand and speak too more language (Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian, Italian, English, German, Austrian, Swiss,...) !!!
And ????
Self-praise by dano !!!
Aren't those pretty much the same?
If you speak Austrian, Swiss and German.. then i speak:
Danish, English, American, Indonesian, Scottish, Maltese, South African (+ a lot more english from english speaking countries ), Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Greenlandic and Faorese..
Damn I'm good!
(and yes.. my penis is much larger than yours!)
heehe... dont worry.. i know slovenian. But if we dont understand we allways cant speak on English !!!
Thanks Guys !!!
welcome Dj Alex )
If you speak Austrian, Swiss and German.. then i speak:
Danish, English, American, Indonesian, Scottish, Maltese, South African (+ a lot more english from english speaking countries ), Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Greenlandic and Faorese..
Damn I'm good!
(and yes.. my penis is much larger than yours!)
Aren't those pretty much the same !?!
I just smile for this and explain (dano) !!!
You know, what i mean ???
I produce music too 8 years !!!
Hey, Alex - Where i can see your music product (myspace, website,...) ???
I just smile for this and explain (dano) !!!
You know, what i mean ???
Keep the great work in future !!!
I just smile for this and explain (dano) !!!
You know, what i mean ???
Of course I'm just making fun of you
And ????
Self-praise by dano !!!
OH, I just found out a better way to explain!
Serbian/Bosnian/Croatian is kind of "like eachother", like German, Swiss & Austrian is! (and all of the other German languages... )
They're all pretty much the same, but with a different accent... (:
No, I have the biggest penis of EVERYONE!
& Wtf is Faorese?
welcome to IDP Dj Alex..
Enjoy your stay