Hello!! (My first post in 2012 @__@)
Hey, what do you think of this possible law? I've realized that some webpages have been shut down, I'm not sure whether it is due to that law.
I must confess that I sometimes support piracy (as long as it doesn't affect Italo Dance) Yeah, I know that it is not ethical
There's another post by CFE, I guess, called "Are pirates good people?"
There are some opinions about this stuff, hehe
Actually some websites, such as the English Wikipedia, shut down for 24 hours to show their opposition to SOPA and PIPA. Those bills, which essentially give the U.S.government the power to censor the Internet, are right now before U.S. congress and will get voted on later this month. If those bills pass websites such as IDP could be blocked in the U.S. because of the links to Youtube, Soundcloud, and other media sites. That would be truely devastating.
Looking at the supporters (Motion Picture Association of America, the Recording Industry Association of America, Macmillan US, Viacom, the AFL, NBA and NHL, Nike, and Ford) and opponents (AOL, EBay, Facebook, Google, IAC, LinkedIn, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo and Zynga) of those bills, one can see what this is all about. Big entertainment business screwing with us people so they can continue to produce their big budget movies and pay millions of $$ to people throwing balls.